Is sims 3 compatible with windows 8.1

2 Jun 2009 ... New content for The Sims 3 is now available! ... OS: Windows XP (Service Pack 2 ) or Windows Vista (Service Pack 1); Processor: (XP) 2.0 GHz ...

Customize The Sims™ 3 with official items. Browse and shop for all your favorite Windows items.

is The Sims 3 compatible with this laptop? - Best Buy Support

Theres more to your Sims lives in The Sims 3. Enjoy the challenge of short-term and long-term goals and then reap the rewards! Based on personality traits, skills, and career choice, your Sims have short and long term Wishes that provide constant, fun challenges—things to do and achieve. 180 thoughts on "How-To run the Sims 3 on Windows 8 (64 bits)" After appplying this patch The Sims 3 will start! Sims 3 and windows 8 doesn't work with my sims I have tried compatibility mode and the patch I have an hp laptop plz help. I have read through the comments saying you have to change the compatible mode. there is no such thing when I open the... Is Sims 3 compatible with Windows 10? - Bing The Sims 3 is not officially compatible with Windows 2000. I have Windows 8.1 Pro and it works great! I'm not rushing into upgrading to Windows 10 but I wanted to know for future reference. If I do end up finding out after Windows 10 is out for a while that The Sims 3 does not work at all on the...

чёза вопросы? win 8.1 всё что хочешь пойдёт даже те игры которые создавались ещё для ХРюшки 10 лет назад. Как установить Симс 3 на Windows 8? - GG IZI – вопросы и… На Windows 8 как думаете будет работать?Есть ноутбук на нём стоит ОС Windows 8 хотел спросить как установить и запустить игру Симс 3 у себя?спросил 13 Июль, 18 Minaz (1.8k баллов) в категории The Sims. The Sims 3 / Симс 3 скачать на компьютер, через… The Sims 3 / Симс 3 - Миллионы пользователей с восторгом встретили выход Sims 3 на компьютер. В результате чего игра стала самым успешным продуктом в истории ЕА, и самой продаваемой игрой 2009 года. Mod The Sims - The Sims 1 - Windows 8 Yup Sims 1, sims 2, sims 3, sim city 4 and more all work fine on my 64bit windows 8 system also.. Really? I am surprised with sims 1 and 2 working well as they are quiteIntel Core 2 Duo 8GB Ram 150GB Hard Drive Windows 7 and 8 dual installed. The Sims is installed for 8, and it works as said.

Hello, I was planning on buying The Sims 3 Disc download. But I've heard that for some people it isn't compatible with Windows 8.1, but I'd like to ... gaming : compatibility for playing sims 3 on WINDOWS 8.1 ... hi guys , so I finally found a computer that has good specs but it says that it runs on windows 8.1 is sims 3 compatible for windows 8.1 if it isn't what problems may ... The Sims 3 is Compatible with Windows 8! | Beyond Sims All Windows 8 is, is Microsoft trying to force their Windows Phone interface on people. THAT’S ALL! It will fail like Windows 2000/ME and Vista. They’ll most likely release an alternative within 2 years or so that goes back to the normal Windows UI. [The Sims 3] COMPATIBILITY WITH WINDOWS 8 -

Okay, I don't like Sims 3; Sims 2 is the best, I love it so much. I got a new laptop loaded with Windows 8 and I managed to get Sims 2 itself on my laptop but I can't install the patch therefore can't install any expansions.

Il y a peu, les joueurs sur PC ont eu une belle frayeur... En effet, ils ont appris que les versions Windows 7 et 8.1 allaient subir un mise à jour pour devenir Windows 10. The Sims 3 on Windows 8.1? | Yahoo Questions/Réponses Meilleure réponse: I've never played The Sims 3, but I would suggest looking for an option which allows you to play in a windowed mode. Then you could ... Les Sims 4 compatible avec Windows 10 - Amaz'Sims Alors que la date de sortie du prochain Windows approche, EA a annoncé que le jeu sera compatible avec Windows 10 dès sa sortie (le 29 Juillet). Not compatible with Windows 8 :: The Sims(TM) Medieval ... Update 3/23/2014 - If you redeem your key on Origin and download through there, it will work on Windows 8/8.1. EA has updated the DRM for the Origin-version ONLY to be compatible. It will not work through Steam.